Saturday 15 September 2007

Kennedy Space Center

After a 4 hour drive we made it... and yes it is AMAZING!!!! I did not quite realise how big the place actually is...
Even if not everyone agrees with the American foreign policies one still has to admire their Space Program... I mean the amount of money they invested is incredible. Okay it is maybe a little out of date but still amazing. I wish we could have stayed longer.... but we wanted to stay to the plan:)

For those of you who do go to Florida... I strongly suggest you spend a day or two visiting this place. Duarte and I are technical people and where amazed at the engineering side of the place. Saturn V, the shuttles, the missions, the successes, the moon race, the construction... you name it and they will explain it:) Just to give you an idea of how big the place is... when you are arriving there are signs saying: "Tune your radio to 1610 am for information"!!!

Amazing they have their own radio station and AM!!! (for longer distances I guess).

We did not make it to Cocoa Beach because we where going to Orlando next!!!!
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