Wednesday 11 March 2009

Weekend in Venice

Hi everyone,

Life is great... life at The MathWorks is FANTASTIC... each day is better and better.... So after working hard during the week I thought I would celebrate my second pay check from my dream company... so I went to Venice to meet Alex and Bia 2 old friends from Portugal. They had decided to go 4 a week but I went for the weekend....

It took me 6 hours to get from my house to the center of Venice.... only to find Alex, Bia, Rafa, Ines and Susana waiting for me:)

I mean look at this picture... Bia and Rafa.... we were on a boat and their smile says it all:) WHAT A WEEKEND:)

It was great to see Grandao again:) I mean how many times do you meet up with old friends in.... Italy?! lol

Ya that is Ines... a true... "Ideias".... she has more ideas, games, adventures, than I do.... I guess she sees the world differently to us mortals:) Never change Ines...

PS - nice photo:)

I caught a boat to the airport on Sunday... but I must say... this was my second time in Venice... and I really enjoyed it:) I am going back for another weekend on the 28th of March:) I cant wait. I mean the city is romantic, beautiful and full of energy/culture/history:)

At night however it becomes a ghost town.... but that itself gives the place a special night in Venice... is like a night in heaven just with a lot more water:P


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Anonymous said...

I don't know if you realize but Gareth is also in the picture with us. Look carefully, it's like a ghost between the girls, but it was real. It was nice to meet you Gareth. Kisses for you

Anonymous said...

Hi Gareth. Looking to see you again. You are unique, and your presence in Venice with us was like "the salt that meets the pepper".